Where the heck IS everyone?!
It's like everyone's disappeared off the freakin' map...
And one other thing: THE SUMMER'S ALMOST COMPLETELY OVER!!!!!! Ohhh, man...
This summer has...been busy. Too busy. It's the last summer for me to see my friends before
everything changes, but I've been busy with work since EXAMS ended at the beginning of June, and now that work is finished, everyone else seems to be busy or gone or... and I'm STILL busy because I have to get everything prepared for university.
AND I won't be here this weekend b/c we're going to visit my grandmother in Montreal AND on the 17th we're going on a week-long cruise and so I really only have about a week and a half of leeway to see anybody and no one's even around to ... be seen.
This is the complete and utter suck. *frowns*